Friday, February 20, 2015

Part 3

my mind to be open to new ideas and to broaden my horizons. Sometimes fresh ideas come from ideas heard from peers or their experiences. The professional I decided to ask questions about her professional goals was also a coworker in the same program but started a year before me.

Jasmine wants to become a district manager for a corporate center and then eventually own her own center. Right now she works for a company called tutor time and enjoys every bit of it but she feels she’s worth so much more than just a toddler teacher. She has her bachelors and now her Master’s degree in the early education field. I really admire her ambitions and commitment because she never complained about coming to work every day, the low pay grade, the challenging students and sometimes unorganized center. I guess when you have a passion for something, you continue on with it because you see that there is reward in the end.
Jasmine mentioned some of the opportunities that exist for professional development at her location:
    Partnerships with local colleges-opportunities for higher education and education assistance.
2.       National conferences
3.       Annual meetings for opportunities of growth
4.       Professional development trainings

Some of my professional hopes is to make an impact on children and families. Right now I feel as though I am doing that, but I feel I could be doing more. I hope to gain more and understand more of the core values in this field. I hope to be happy and successful. I dream of becoming a college professor teaching undergrad and my main challenge is not having enough confidence in myself to excel.


  1. Passion for the field we are in is what drives us everyday. It is so important to be committed to our chosen field. You have to get up every morning and want to do what you do. Professional growth and development are important as well. Having the opportunity to go to conferences and training will only help to further knowledge and make us more effective and highly qualified.

  2. When I think of passion I think of people who are willing to do anything and sacrifice anything for a cause they believe in. Education is one of the most important journeys in a child's life and teachers are guides. I have seen to many time good teachers leave this movement because teachers do not get paid enough. I have a family and I understand there are time you have to make tough decisions with hurt. As an educators, pay and professional development needs to be a key competent that need to be addressed right away because loosening amazing teachers and they one who are still in the field are not getting properly compensated. This was a great interview and thank you for sharing.
