Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Relationship Reflection

Relationship Reflection
Relationships has so much meaning to one’s life. My relationships in my current life make me who I am today for the god and some for the bad, for the bad it has been a learning process. My relationships sums up my life and they are very important to me. The relationships I have with my class, their parents, my boyfriend and my family are important.
My relationship with my boyfriend so far is most important to me in my personal life because he has helped me in so many ways than a lot of people inside or outside my family. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost six years, he is my everything.
The relationship I have had with my grandmother in the past was very difficult and there was a lot that I did not understand then but I do now. My grandmother was abusive and I had so much hate in my heart for her. I never understood why she’s done the things she done to herself and to her grandchildren. Being with my grandmother was the hardest thing in my life to the point where I wanted to end my life. When I moved out of her house at 18 my grandmother was very upset and I knew then my life was going to change. I am a stronger person today because of my grandmother and we are now closer than we have ever been but I will never forget the past and how things went down. I love her but we need this distance.
It was very hard to maintain a relationship with my grandmother, but life is too short and we are all human. I never had a relationship with my father because he was never involved in my life and the relationship with my mother would have been a great one if she had not been murdered while I was a young girl.
Over time I have learned confidence, lots of patience and independence. I have gained many other insights but those three were the top 3 that took the longest and was the hardest to pursue for me at that time.

As a child care professional, you have to have confidence in yourself and believe what you are able and willing to do because if you don’t know one else will have confidence in you or believe in you. How can I teach other children to believe in themselves or to grow if I do not have it in me. I am still learning things about myself just being in this field because of the children. I want children to see how great of a gift they are just like I do.


  1. I think its interesting all the different influences we have in our lives; positive, negative, helpful, or traumatic. I think everything takes time to process and it makes sense that we still process these things as adults. Everything shapes us into who we are and we are constantly being shaped.

  2. Kweshonte,
    We form many relationships, some good and some bad, and some relationships come and go. I am proud of you for overcoming the abuse your grandmother showed you, and how you were able to develop a relationship with her. I feel sometimes we take our relationships for granted, thinking the person will always be there, but you never know when life it going to end. Life is too short to stay mad at people, and even if we can find someone to forgive people, the better off we are.

    1. Kwe',
      I think you have a lot of life experiences that will allow you to promote positive relationships. Sometimes past relationships, good or bad help us be better people because we learned a lesson from them.
