Sunday, August 23, 2015

Thank you

To all of my classmates,

we are getting so much closer to the finish line and we are doing it together. I always enjoy all of the comments, personal stories and experiences and intellectual insights. I have been able to take what I have not only learned from the course but also from my colleagues and apply it to my career. I am very appreciative and can't wait to continue this journey with you all. See you soon.

Saturday, August 8, 2015


I remember being apart of many groups during my undergrad studies. Some groups it was hard to adjourn and other groups it was a rejoice and wished it had come sooner. One group that I can remember in college was the black student delegates. I was the president of this group and I worked with two other guy colleagues. We had a blast organizing events fundraisers. As our group was growing our team was also slipping through the cracks. One of my colleagues started having issues with his family and then mentally. It was like he completely faded away. He was my back bone. The other guy stuck around briefly but the group became weak and eventually died off. I did not know what to do so I stopped worrying about it.
I used to think I wouldn't miss a group of colleagues that I have not met with. I just saw it as we are all taking classes for the same degree. I was wrong. I will adjourn from the group of colleagues in this program. The past two years we have grown to know one another and exchange thoughts and ideas. It felt like we were sitting next to one another in a classroom.

Closure is important in groups so adjourning has to be evident for a successful ending. Aajourning will open doors for opportunities in the future or simple make friends.