Thursday, March 19, 2015

Research that Benefits Children and Families

Option 2

The research topic I would choose is play and learning. There has been much controversy on rather or not play should be taken out of a child;s scheduled day to bring in more science, math and reading classes. Some even thinks play is not necessary in early education. I would conduct a research on children having play in their daily schedule/routine and see what results of learning abilities they produce and how it impacts them. I would also do a test of research on other children who do not have play incorporated into their daily routine and see how it would impact their learning as well.

Of course we should never add our own biases to research but I have to agree that play plays a major role in a young child's learning. Children pick up vocabulary, problem solving skills, new emotions and healthy habits by having play in their daily routine.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Personal research journey

With the discussions of our research topic I chose to explore more about Teacher quality and how we need to prepare ourselves as professionals and what are some of the expectations and roles of being a quality teacher. I researched a few articles as sub topics to pick back off of my main topic and I have to say they are quite interesting.

Working on the research chart has been quite helpful as well because I never had that type of guidance and I have known to screw up my papers in some ways by leaving some things out by accident. I love the breakdown of the charts and how it allows us to pay attention to detail of the research report. The second chart was also very helpful in allowing us to break down the terms and see what it means when writing a research paper. I am glad to have chapter two in my back pocket.